Dr. Dieter Thalhammer is head of the Competition and Antitrust Law practice group. Nationally, he is one of the leading experts for European and Austrian antitrust law. Dieter Thalhammer represents domestic and international clients in proceedings for merger control, cartel allegations, abuse of a dominant position, and damages following antitrust violations. He also has extensive experience in conducting internal investigations and implementing antitrust compliance programs. Under his leadership, the Competition and Antitrust practice group at E+H has become one of the strongest in Austria.

Over the past ten years, Dieter Thalhammer has represented clients in various industries including transport, automotive, media, energy, postal, telecommunications, chemical, real estate, finance, healthcare, food, and electronics. Dieter Thalhammer also has specific expertise in antitrust issues in the digital economy.

Dieter Thalhammer studied law at the University of Vienna and completed an LL.M. in Saarbrücken.

  • Thalhammer/Krach, Der Richter wird’s schon richten – Antithesen zur Schlüssigkeit im (Kartell-)Schadenersatzrecht, RdW 2023, 334
  • Feldner/Thalhammer, Hausdurchsuchungen durch die BWB und die Bedeutung des Untersuchungsgegenstands, ecolex 2016, S. 892-895
  • Feldner/Thalhammer, Die Hausdurchsuchung im Kartellrecht, Manz Verlag Wien, 09/2016
  • Thalhammer/Feldner, Chapter: Austria, in The Essentials of Merger Review, American Bar Association (2013)
  • Thalhammer/Feldner, EU Competition Law and the Energy Sector 2012, in The European Antitrust Review 2013
  • Thalhammer/Feldner, EU Competition Law and the Energy Sector 2011: Time to Switch into Higher Gear, in The European Antitrust Review 2012 – a Global Competition Review special report
  • Thalhammer/Zellhofer, Getting the Deal Through: Intellectual Property & Antitrust (Austria), Global Competition Review, 2010 – 2011
  • Thalhammer/Zellhofer, EuGH lässt Kronzeugen im Regen stehen, Wirtschaftsblatt 21.09.2011
  • Thalhammer/Feldner, Rätseln über das Anwaltsgeheimnis, Die Presse 2010/40/03
  • Thalhammer/Feldner, Dürfen Anwälte Kartelle ihrer Kunden verraten?, Die Presse 04.10.2010
  • Thalhammer/Offenbeck, Getting the Deal Through: Intellectual Property & Antitrust (Austria), Global Competition Review, 2009
  • Thalhammer, Modernisation in Europe 2005 – Austria (Getting the Deal Through)
  • Thalhammer, Die Rolle der Schiedsgerichte bei der Durchsetzung von EG-Kartellrecht unter dem Regime der VO 1/2003, wbl 2005, 62
  • Thalhammer, Int.A.L.R 2005 – News Section N-1
  • Thalhammer, Entscheidungsbesprechung zu 1 Ob 270/03t, ecolex 2004, 625
  • Thalhammer, Grundlegende Fragen des Internationalen Zivilverfahrensrechts im Bereich von Forderungsexekution mit Auslandsbezug, Dissertation Wien 1996
  • Legal500, 2024: “Leading Individual” – EU & Competition
  • Chambers Europe, 2024: Ranked Lawyer – Competition/European Law
  • JUVE, 2024: “Highly Recommended” – Competition Law
  • Trend Anwaltsranking, 2024: Top 10 Lawyers in Austria – Competition Law
  • Handelsblatt Austria “Best Lawyers”, 2024: “Best Lawyer” – Competition and Antitrust Law
  • Handelsblatt Austria “Best Lawyers”, 2024: “Best Lawyer” – European Law
  • Legal500, 2023: “Leading Individual” – EU & Competition
  • Chambers Europe, 2023: Ranked Lawyer – Competition/European Law
  • JUVE, 2023: “Highly Recommended” – Competition Law
  • Trend Anwaltsranking, 2023: Top 10 Lawyers in Austria – Competition Law
  • Legal500, 2022: “Leading Individual” – EU & Competition
  • Chambers Europe, 2022: Ranked Lawyer – Competition/European Law
  • JUVE, 2022: “Highly Recommended” – Competition Law
  • Trend Anwaltsranking, 2022: Top 10 Lawyers in Austria – Competition Law