
Legal notice and disclosure pursuant to §§ 24, 25 of the Austrian Media Act (Mediengesetz) and information pursuant to § 5 of the Austrian E-Commerce Act (E-Commerce-Gesetz) and § 14 of the Austrian Commercial Act (Unternehmensgesetzbuch):

E+H Rechtsanwälte GmbH

Frauengasse 5

8010 Graz, Austria

T: +43-316 36-47

F: +43-316 36-47-58


Business purpose: Practicing as attorneys under Austrian law, including necessary auxiliary activities and managing the company’s assets (§ 21c no 6 Austrian bar rules and regulations (Rechtsanwaltsordnung))

Registered office: Graz (further branch in Vienna)

Company register number: FN 288205 g (Regional Court for Civil Matters Graz)

UID: ATU 63304506

Competent authorities / supervisory bodies:

  • Bar Association of Styria
  • Bar Association of Vienna

Applicable professional regulations:

  • Austrian bar rules and regulations (Rechtsanwaltsordnung)
  • Legal profession guidelines (Richtlinien für die Ausübung des Rechtsanwaltsberufes)
  • Disciplinary statute for attorneys and associates (Disziplinarstatut für Rechtsanwälte und Rechtsanwaltsanwärter)

Managing equity partners: Dr. Alric Ofenheimer, Dr. Dieter Thalhammer, Dr. Peter Winkler, Dr. Andreas Zellhofer, Mag. Marco Steiner, Dr. Marcus Benes, Dr. Jana Eichmeyer, Mag. Judith Feldner, Dr. Clemens Lanschützer, Dr. Nidal Karaman, Dr. Helmut Liebel, MMag. Josef Schmidt, Mag. Mario Spanyi, MMag. Dr. Christopher Engel, Dr. Laurenz Liedermann, Dr. Philipp Schrader, Dr. Jochen Anweiler, Mag. Florian Sagmeister, Mag. Christoph Lejsek, Dr. Dominik Juster, Johannes Feilmair, LL.M., Mag. Karoline Hofmann, Dr. Stefan Jeitler, Dr. Christian Jöllinger, Mag. Arndt Blaschka, MSc., Dr. Sabine Prossinger, Mag. Georg Knafl, LL.M.

Basic purpose of publication: Information about the E+H Rechtsanwälte GmbH law firm, their attorneys, and new legal developments.

Owner of the publication/publisher: E+H Rechtsanwälte GmbH