Dominik Juster is a member of our practice groups Corporate + M&A, Restructuring + Insolvency, Capital Markets, and Banking + Finance. He focuses on M&A / private equity, restructuring, and capital market transactions.

Dominik started his professional career with E+H Rechtsanwälte in 2011 and worked as an associate in our Vienna office until 2017. Between 2018 and 2022, Dominik practiced in the London office of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP, where he worked primarily on complex M&A and capital market transactions for reputable private equity sponsors.

He holds law degrees from the University of Vienna (Mag. iur.; Dr. iur., with distinction). In addition, he obtained a post graduate law degree from Columbia Law School in New York (LL.M., James Kent scholar). Dominik is admitted to practice in Austria and in New York.

  • Jeitler/Juster, Kommentierung von § 9 FlexKapGG (Unternehmenswert-Anteile) und § 13 FlexKapGG (Stückanteile), in Schneeweiss/F. Hule, FlexKapGG – Praxiskommentar zur Flexiblen Kapitalgesellschaft (erste Auflage 2024)
  • Juster, Liability Limitations in Case of the Appointment of a Common Representative pursuant to §15a para 3 of the Austrian Bondholder Representative Act, Commentary to the Austrian Supreme Court Decision 26.9.2017, 6 Ob 220/16w, ZFR 2018/30
  • Juster, Coordination and Organization of Financial Creditors in (Pre-Insolvency) Corporate Debt Restructurings with a Particular Focus on Corporate Bonds. Dissertation University of Vienna, 2016
  • Legal500, 2024: Recommended Lawyer – Capital Markets
  • Legal500, 2024: Recommended Lawyer – Commcercial, Corporate and M&A